Monday, January 24, 2011

RXMEDCO - National Transportation News

Department of Transportation
Fiscal Year 2012 Budget Highlights

FY 2012 President’s Budget

Department of Transportation
Overall Summary

• The President’s FY 2012 budget request includes a total of $129 billion for the
Department of Transportation. A key element of this request is the inclusion of a $556
billion six-year surface transportation reauthorization proposal to improve the
Country’s highways, transit, and rail infrastructure and to ensure that these systems
are safe.
• In an effort to jump-start this reauthorization, the President’s request includes a $50
billion “Up-Front” economic boost that would foster job creation.
• $5 billion is also requested to establish an Infrastructure Bank that will provide grants
and loans using new innovative financing approaches that will leverage transportation
dollars more efficiently.
• The overall funding request is a 66% increase above FY 2010 – the last enacted
appropriated level. The request assumes no pay raises.

Other Major FY 2012 President’s Budget Highlights include:
• Federal Highway Administration: $70.5 billion is requested to rebuild our roads and
• Federal Transit Administration: $22.4 billion is requested to support public transit.
• Federal Railroad Administration: $8.3 billion is requested to support passenger rail
including development of high-speed passenger rail.
• Infrastructure Bank: $5 billion is requested to provide credit assistance in the form of
grants and loans to leverage transportation dollars.
• Federal Aviation Administration (FAA): $18.7 billion is requested to maintain our Air
Traffic Control System. $1.2 billion of this request supports the ongoing NextGen
initiative that will modernize the Air Traffic Control system.

RxMedco - Transportation and Translation Services
Medco Transportation
Rx Medco - Non Emergency Transportation and Translation Services

1 comment:

  1. I been working for Rx Medco for 3 yrs and i make great money for part time work, i have a Van and a small 4 dr car,so ny having 2 vehicles i get a lot of work cause some of the customers like the big roomy Van and some dont mind the small car, i make on a good week about $500-600.
